JavaScript ( Fundamental )


1 min read

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a scripting language that is used to create interactive and dynamic websites. Interactive website means, user can perform some action on website for example: Button click, Submit a form, write comments and live chat. Dynamic website means, the website that changes it’s content or layout like: Sliding effect, Ecommerce website and Quiz website.

Why you should learn JavaScript?

JavaScript is the most popular programming language in the world. It is used in almost all popular websites like: Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Netflix and many others. Great thing about JavaScript is that you will find tons of frameworks and Libraries to reduce your time to create websites and mobile apps. Some of the popular frameworks are: React, Angular and Vue.js If you learn JavaScript, it opens up a lot of job opportunities in the software development industry.

What is the use of JavaScript?

Uses of JavaScript is not only limited to front-end web development, It is also used in back-end web development, Mobile app development, Desktop app development, Game Development and API creation. Using JavaScript you can easily create website like Amazon and Netflix. Mobile apps like Instagram and WhatsApp. Games like Tic Tac Toe and Snake Games.